Let the distractions fade. 
Live a powerful legacy.

You’re ready for clarity, alignment, and to make an impact that stretches far beyond your lifetime. We’ll help you get there.

Our Services

Personal Legacy 

see our organizational legacy services

Unleash Your Legacy: 90-Minute Workshop

Gain clarity and create a personalized roadmap to start building your legacy with intention in just 90 minutes.

Sign up now

Living Your Legacy: 7-Week Experience + Retreat

Transform your life and legacy over seven virtual sessions and a powerful in-person retreat, creating strategies and habits that build impact for the next seven generations.

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Personal Legacy Executive Coaching

Curious, committed high-impact humans know that creating a lasting legacy requires candid self-reflection and personal growth, with coaching that offers accountability and the development of new capabilities to align your life and work for generational impact and health.

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Organizational Legacy 

see our Personal legacy services

Leadership Team Assessment Discovery Call

In 45 minutes, assess your leadership team’s alignment with your long-term vision and receive actionable recommendations for legacy-driven success.

Take the assessment

Organizational Legacy 1:1 Executive Coaching

For effective leadership that fosters generational impact and health, this candid coaching provides curious leaders with a sounding board, accountability, and the tools to enhance their leadership within their organization.

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Aligning Your Leadership Team Executive Coaching and Training

Get your leadership team in sync with a shared legacy through hands-on coaching and training designed to increase aligned decision making, candid conversations, and generational impact.

Schedule a call

Managing and Sustaining Your Organizational Legacy Workshops

Shift your leadership team from short-term thinking to legacy-focused action with group training and workshops designed to foster long-term workstream ownership, growth, and impact.

schedule a call

From Hustling to Healing: 
The Power of Living for 7 Generations

Shift from short-term success to the long-term impact that shapes the future.

Living with a seven-generational focus transforms how we move through life. It shifts us from short-term success to lasting impact.

What legacy does for us

The Sweet Spot

Here’s what we help you do:

Go from scattered and drained to centered and energized

Stop pouring energy into distractions and start building generational health + wealth

Move from burnout to clarity—shift from hustling to living in alignment

Create long-term fulfillment that touches generations

Start now

Ready to stop chasing distractions and step into your legacy?

Step Off the Hamster Wheel.
Step Into Your Power.

You’ve done everything right, but there’s something deeper calling you. It’s time to move beyond the status quo and build the legacy you were born for.

You’ve been doing everything right—ticking off every box they said you needed to.

You’ve got the titles, the accolades. But the short-term wins? They’re no longer filling you up. Deep down, something bigger is calling you—a real, lasting impact. You weren’t made to run in circles; you were built to create real change. The status quo keeps you stuck in the cycle of being a human doing. But you’re ready to be a human being– free to live by your own design.

At 7Gen Legacy Group, we work with changemakers, CEOs, entrepreneurs, and humans creating social change. We don’t do estate planning; we are legacy planners. Through our signature framework, rooted in the Six Realms of a life well-lived, we help you build a blueprint for a legacy that ripples through the next seven generations. Right now, you're living the dreams your ancestors couldn't even dare to speak. This is your moment to step into your true potential— to break free from distractions and focus on long-term, generational health.

You’re not stuck; you're at the beginning of realigning with what truly fuels you. One intentional decision today can shift generational health, wealth, and opportunity for those who come next. Your ancestors dreamed of this moment—now it’s your turn to decide what comes next.

You weren’t made to run in circles

You’re not stuck; you're at the beginning of realigning with what truly fuels you.

One intentional decision today can shift generational health, wealth, and opportunity for those who come next. Your ancestors dreamed of this moment—now it’s your turn to decide what comes next.

Let’s Begin

Ready to Build the Legacy That Fuels You and the Next Seven Generations? 

Personal Legacy

Beginnings / Becoming / Beyond

You Are the Dream They Dreamed Awake. Now It’s Your Time to Dream.
Your life is the result of centuries of decisions. Now, you have the power to shape the future.

For many, living in joy and intention is a revolutionary act. Every success, freedom, and even struggle you face are echoes of choices made long ago. You’re living the legacy of those who fought for change or stayed with the familiar. Centuries of decisions—on wealth, leadership, and health—paved the way for where you stand today.

Your Personal Legacy is about aligning your life with what matters most. It’s about creating a ripple effect that extends far beyond today. By exploring the Six Realms—Play, Relationships & Community, Service, Work, Financial Freedom, and Well-being—you’ll discover how each decision you make can uplift your life and those who come after you.

You’re not out of options; you’re at a new beginning.

Begin Your Legacy Journey

Start your journey in exploring your personal legacy.

take our legacy quiz

Now it’s your time to dream.


“There were two moments of working with Shawna. One as a school leader, and the other during a deep crisis in my life. Working with her during this deep crisis provided me with greater insight into who I am. She reminded me of a part of myself that I had begun to forget. Shawna reminded me of my purpose, and my brilliance, and encouraged me to lean into it.”

- CEO of a Public School, Personal Legacy 1:1 Executive Coaching Client

“Working with Shawna was literally a game changer. She coached me through some of the work; and also spoke life into me as a person, a leader, especially as a woman of color.”

- CEO of a Small Business, Personal Legacy 1:1 Executive Coaching Client

“Shawna is a deep listener, sincere and honest. There are times when coaches have an agenda, and will often veer those they coach towards that agenda. Shawna's ability to listen deeply helped me to not only feel heard, but it also meant that she recognized my strengths and pushed me to always remember them.”

- Senior Leader of a Nonprofit, Personal Legacy 1:1 Executive Coaching Client

"Unleash Your Legacy came at a time when I needed it. Not only was it helpful to have a moment to slow down and reflect but it was also really special to do this reflection in a way that is interconnected with other people (ie. ancestors and next generations)."

 - Executive Director of a Global Nonprofit, Unleash Your Legacy Client

“Legacy felt like a thing that only certain people could have or create. You helped focus me on the question, 'How am I living?' That is a very different question than I'd asked myself before.”

- Business Owner of a Boutique Consulting Firm, Personal Legacy Executive Coaching Client

“I am telling everyone I know about this.”

- Small Business Owner in the Wellness Sector, Unleash Your Legacy Client

“This is a totally new, joyful framework. It is very insightful and very useful. Thank you for this gift of legacy.”

- Chief Schools Officer of a Public School Network, Unleash Your Legacy Client

“Unleash Your Legacy was dope! This really helped energize me as I think more critically about my life and where I’ve been, where I’m going, and who I am becoming. The legacy visualization broke me wide open (in the best way).”

– Senior Leader of a National Nonprofit, Unleash Your Legacy Client

“SUCH POWERFUL WORK- thank you for this gift!”

- CEO of a Public School Network, Unleash Your Legacy Client

“You’re an amazing facilitator Shawna! You created such a tremendous experience today. I feel so much lighter in my journey, how I think about my legacy, and the legacy I want to live and leave behind. Thank you for the gift of today’s session. It was great to be in community with you all.”

- Senior Vice President of a Fellowship Program, Unleash Your Legacy Client

“I appreciated the opportunity to actually craft my 'first, shitty draft' of my personal legacy statement in the session itself. I'm excited to return and build on this.”

 - Entrepreneur in the Social Sector, Unleash Your Legacy Client

"This workshop came at a time when I needed it. Not only was it helpful to have a moment to slow down and reflect but it was also really special to do this reflection in a way that is interconnected with other people (ie. ancestors and next generations)."

- Business Owner of a Wellness Collaborative, Unleash Your Legacy Client

"Unleash Your Legacy helped energize me as I think more critically about my life and where I've been, where I'm going, and who I am becoming."

- Employee Relations Group Lead in a Global Nonprofit, Unleash Your Legacy Client

"Unleash Your Legacy was a really well curated and tightly blocked out session. There were laughter and moments of levity, music, and a sense of love in a room of (mostly) strangers. It felt spacious and generous, but a ton of ground covered -- which for me, is always a sign of magic at work."

- Senior Vice President, Global Corporation

“Everyone in the world should take Unleash Your Legacy!"

- CEO and Founder of a Financial Advising Firm, Unleash Your Legacy Client

Organizational Legacy

Roots / Alignment / Collective Impact

Lead With Intention, Not Reaction. Build an Organization That Lasts.

Are you leading for today, or for generations to come? Every decision you make shapes the future of your organization, but are you making those choices with intention, or letting distractions take over? Your organization is already creating a legacy—whether you're aware of it or not. The real question is, what kind of legacy are you building? 

For our organizational legacy work, we partner with organizational leaders, executives, and entrepreneurs to move beyond quick fixes to build systems that fuel sustainable growth and healthy succession. We focus on helping CEOs gain clarity and aligning leadership teams, turning complexity into strength. Rooted in the wisdom of Seven Generations and the Sankofa principle, our work is about more than task management—it’s about connecting as a collective to truly transform your impact. We help you craft decision-making frameworks that hold up under pressure and create powerful team dynamics that last. When your team leads with intention, your organization becomes a force for change—shaping the future, one choice at a time, for generations of leaders and communities.

Ready to build a legacy with your leadership team?

Let’s get to work

Unlock and establish your Organizational Legacy.

take our legacy quiz


“Shawna was the first person I experienced who truly pushed my practice. She always had feedback and/or a resource that could better support my work. And because she leads through probing that keeps the cognitive load on me, the thinking steps quickly become transferable outside of our time together. She helped my vision for my team and a path towards executing that vision become increasingly strong.”

- CEO of a School Network, Organizational Legacy 1:1 Executive Coaching Client

“It's so important to make space for this work in an ongoing manner. Though we just finished year 1, if we want to be successful in year 5, this work has to happen now, not starting in year 5.”

-Head of Schools in a Public School Network, Aligning Your Leadership Team Client

“Fantastic facilitation, fantastic and thoughtful colleagues. This was the best professional learning I've had in at least a decade. I am so grateful that I am part of this community!”

- Chief Executive Officer of a National Nonprofit, Managing and Sustaining Your Organizational Legacy Client

“I would strongly recommend this group learning experience to a colleague. I am leaving with clarity and communication around roles and expectations that align with our organizational legacy and how we make decisions. I found it the best coaching/training thus far in my work.”

 - Head of Schools of a Public School Network, Managing and Sustaining Your Organizational Legacy Client

“I can’t thank you enough for how held and supported I felt through my coaching experience. Who we were as an organization a year ago compared to who we are coming out of this coaching experience is just beautiful."

 - CEO of a Global Nonprofit, Organizational Legacy 1:1 Executive Coaching Client

“7Gen creates a learning environment that is brave, challenging, and mindful to all leaders present. They use actionable strategies and provide clear follow up steps that prepare me as a leader to utilize what I learned tomorrow. I am so grateful!”

- School Leadership Fellow, Managing and Sustaining Your Organizational Legacy Client

“Shawna is an extraordinary listener who is extremely skilled at providing the perfect balance of cognitive executive coaching with concrete tools that can be immediately used. She holds a sacred and safe space for those she coaches which allowed me to be vulnerable and authentic in our conversations. I felt extremely supported and accountable to the next steps following each coaching session.”

- Systems Leader in a Public School, Organizational Legacy 1:1 Executive Coaching Client

We Quit Settling—Now It’s Your Turn.

We’ve hit the milestones, achieved the goals, and realized there’s more. Now, we help leaders like you build legacies that last and truly matter.

We’ve hit the success markers, reached the goals, and yet, something still felt off. We’ve been there.

That’s why 7Gen Legacy Group was born—from the desire to live fully and build lasting impact. Together, our team is driven by one mission: to help you create a legacy that’s about impact, not just income. (Don’t get us wrong—money helps, but there’s more to life than chasing paper.)

About Us

We are a team of visionaries, strategists, and legacy builders, led by our founder Shawna Wells.

We’ve spent over a decade leading in social impact organizations, helping leaders—just like you—stop spinning in circles and start creating something that sticks. Whether you’re in education, business, or nonprofits, we know how to turn ambition into generational power.

We’re business owners, educators, and entrepreneurs who aren’t interested in “comfortable” success. We provide tools, coaching, and training to guide you in building a life and organization rooted in intention and joy. Our team helps you stop investing in distractions and start investing in what matters most—your legacy.

Start now

Start Building Generational Health Today.

What legacy are you building with the decisions you make today?

Radical Alignment: 
Where Your Life and Legacy Meet

We cut through the noise, guiding you to live fully aligned—because every decision you make today builds the future you're meant to lead.

At 7Gen Legacy Group, we help you move from dreaming about your legacy to fiercely embracing it. Grounded in the African tradition of Sankofa, which calls us to learn from the past to shape the future, and the Indigenous principle of Seven Generations thinking, which reminds us to make decisions that benefit generations to come, we guide you in making choices that foster generational health, return joy, and create sustainable impact.

For those committed to doing social good, legacy happens in three parts: your personal legacy, your organizational legacy, and your current roles. We have seen that the most effective leaders live in the sweet spot of all three. Our approach helps you find that sweet spot, filtering distractions and realigning your life and work with who you are and what you want.

Our Approach

Our signature approach is built on the Six Realms framework, a Legacy Statement, and our FREE philosophy, we help you transform your life and work.

 We use a research-based approach combined with deep wisdom to help you transform your life and work. Every decision you make is a piece of the legacy puzzle, linking your role, your mission, and your impact. Whether it’s through 1:1 executive coaching or leadership team training, we’re here to help you build a legacy that lasts.

How will the choices you make today rewrite the future for generations?

You’re not out of options; you’re at a new beginning.

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Stop reacting, start leading with intention.
: $203 | Format: Virtual | Duration: 90 minutes

This is where it all begins. In just 90 minutes, we cut through the noise and distractions to get you clear on the legacy you want to build. You’ll walk away with a roadmap to align your life with long-term impact—one that moves beyond surface-level success and into joy, purpose, and lasting influence. This is your blueprint for intentional living.

Who it’s for: Entrepreneurs, changemakers, and those ready to stop living on autopilot and start living with intention.

What’s next: Ready to dive deeper? Join the Living Your Legacy- 7-Week Legacy Experience to build on this foundation or explore Personal Legacy Executive Coaching for one-on-one transformation.

Unleash Your Legacy: A 90-Minute Workshop

sign up here

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Build a legacy that’s rooted in joy and purpose.
: $5,700 | Format: 7 Virtual sessions over 7 weeks + One In-Person Retreat

This is where the real work begins. Using the 7Gen Legacy Signature Framework, we’ll explore your history, values, and vision for the future. Over seven weeks, you’ll create strategies and tools to ensure every move you make builds a legacy of joy, creativity, and liberation. This experience doesn’t just change your goals—it transforms how you show up for yourself and for future generations.

Who it’s for: Visionaries, changemakers, and humans interested in leaving the world better than you found it. If you’re ready to leave behind more than just cash and achievements and you’re looking to create a legacy that fuels long-term impact and liberation, this experience was designed for you

What’s next: Ready for the next level? Take it further with Personal Legacy Executive Coaching to apply these principles to your life and work.

Living Your Legacy: 7-Week Legacy Experience + Retreat

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Make every decision count.
: Starting at $3,000/month | Format: Virtual, 3-month minimum

This one-on-one coaching is for those at a turning point, ready to make long-term moves that align with their deepest values. Whether you're an entrepreneur, executive, or senior leader, we’ll work together to ensure that your actions are aligned with the future you’re building. It’s about designing a life and leadership that reflect the joy, creativity, and impact you want for the generations ahead.

Who it’s for: Visionaries, changemakers, and humans interested in leaving the world better than you found it and who are ready to step into transformative, long-term leadership for themselves and their communities.

What’s next: After coaching, bring this mindset into your organization through our Organizational Legacy Offerings, or continue to deepen your personal impact.

Personal Legacy Executive Coaching

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Is your team really aligned with the legacy you're building
: Free 45-minute call | Format: Virtual

You don’t have time to wonder if your team is just going through the motions. In this free 45-minute call, we’ll review the results of our Signature Leadership Team Assessment and pinpoint where your team stands. Are they aligned with the long-term vision, or just chasing quarterly goals? We’ll give you 2-3 solid recommendations to tighten things up, so your team can focus on creating the kind of impact that lasts.

Who it’s for: CEOs and executive directors ready to ensure their team is aligned around a shared legacy.

What’s next: Ready to take action? Step into Leadership Team Alignment Training and Coaching to get your team moving in sync, or dive into 1:1 Executive Coaching to lock in your own leadership legacy.

Leadership Team Assessment Call

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Lead with a vision that lasts.
: Starting at $3,000/month | Format: Virtual, 3-month minimum

You’re already making moves, but is your leadership laying a foundation that will last for generations? In 1:1 Executive Coaching, we work together to align your leadership with a long-term vision. It’s not just about hitting today’s goals—it’s about creating a legacy of well-being, creativity, and lasting impact. Success is great, but legacy? That’s what truly matters.

Who it’s for: CEOs and senior leaders who are serious about leading with purpose and impact.

What’s next: Once you’re locked in, consider bringing your team on board with Leadership Team Alignment Training and Coaching, or strengthen your vision with our Workshops & Trainings designed for legacy-driven teams.

1:1 Executive Coaching

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Get your leadership team in sync to build a legacy that lasts.
: Custom pricing | Format: Virtual or in-person, minimum 3-month engagement

If your team’s off-track, struggling for direction, or disconnected, this is where it all comes together. We’ll align your team around a shared legacy and put the structures in place to ensure clarity, purpose, and results that matter. You want accountability? We’ve got that. You want to build something that outlasts the day-to-day grind? We work side-by-side with CEOs/Executive Directors and their leadership teams through a series of trainings and coaching to make it happen. Legacy isn’t built on short-term wins—it’s built on a foundation that drives future generations to thrive.

Who it’s for: CEOs and executive directors ready to align their team for long-term impact.

What’s next: After getting your team aligned, deepen the impact with our Workshops & Trainings to keep the momentum going.

Aligning Your Leadership Team

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Turn your team into legacy builders.
: Custom pricing | Format: Virtual or in-person

See here for specific modules

Your team isn’t just there to check boxes—they’re capable of building something that lasts. Our tailored workshops push your leadership team from reactive thinking to legacy-driven action. We help align your team with a shared vision of creativity, growth, and long-term impact. This is about moving from what’s urgent to what’s truly important.

Who it’s for: Leadership and management teams ready to shift from short-term goals to legacy-focused action.

What’s next: Keep the momentum going with Leadership Team Alignment Training and Coaching or invest in long-term success with 1:1 Executive Coaching.

Managing and Sustaining Your Organizational Legacy Workshops 

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